044-28190355 | 28190855

cmr.tnahr@tn.gov.in | tnarchives_rh@nic.in


Preservation of records is the main function of Tamil Nadu Archives. Preservation means keeping the document in the existing condition by creating favourable storage environment.
Preservation division in Tamil Nadu Archives consists of skilled menders who are designated as Preservation Clerks and Binders. The preservation section started in 1921 A.D with 6 skilled employees. At present this section consists of 39 Preservation Clerks and 9 Binders.
The Work of Preservation section is to mend the records preserved in the various stacks in Tamil Nadu Archives. The most brittle records are being repaired using Chiffon Cloth and handmade papers. The repaired records are properly stitched and bound in the binding section.
Alternative method for preservation of record is mending of records using Japanese tissue and CMC paste on outsourcing the work.
To preserve the records of Tamil Nadu Archives, the termite control work is undertaken by the Tamil Nadu Warehousing Corporation, Chennai on monthly basis.

Content last updated on 16-04-2024 at 15:02:43
Annals of Tamil Nadu Archives
1909 : Madras Record Office started functioning in Egmore with records transferred from the Fort St. George. Mr. C.M. Schmidt appointed as Officer-In-Charge of the Record Office. Administration block and six Stacks were constructed.
Important Leaves
G.O.Ms.No.1235, Public Department dated 05.06.1968 Introduction of training in Tamil official language was issued.
திருக்குறள் பகுதி
குறள் எண் : 797 பொருட்பால்  நட்பாராய்தல் அதிகாரம்

ஊதியம் என்பது ஒருவற்குப் பேதையார்
கேண்மை ஒரீஇ விடல்.

விளக்கம் : ஒருவனுக்கு ஊதியம் என்று சொல்லப்படுவது, அறிவில்லாதவறுடன் செய்து கொண்ட நட்பிலிருந்து நீங்கி அவரைக் கைவிடுதலாகும்.