044-28190355 | 28190855

cmr.tnahr@tn.gov.in | tnarchives_rh@nic.in

Tamil Nadu Archives holds a valuable collection of documents of East India Company dating from 1670 to 1857, Secretariat Records of the Government of Tamil Nadu, Fort St. George Gazette etc. The records of historical, administrative, economic and social importance are collected and preserved in Tamil Nadu Archives.
The records are kept in record stacks as detailed below.
Stack - 1 : Records of the Government of Public, Education, Health department etc., from the year 1857 to 1987, Fort St. George Gazette, etc.,
Stack - 2 : Records of the Government of Public, School Education, Higher Education, Health and Family welfare, Personnel and Administrative Reforms,   Information and Technology Department etc., from the year 1988 to 2017.
Stack - 3 : Records of the Government of Judicial, Home, Legal, Law, Social Welfare , Transport Department etc., from the year 1857 to 1987.
Stack - 4 : Records of the Government of Revenue, Agriculture, Industries, Commercial Tax and Religious Endowment Department etc., from the year 1857 to 1987.
Stack - 5 : Records of the Government of Revenue, Agriculture, Industries, Housing and Urban Development, Food and Consumer Protection Department   etc., from the year 1988 to 2017.
Stack - 6 : Records of the Government of Public works, Rural Development and Local Administration Department etc., from the year 1857 to 1987.
Stack - 7 : Records of the East India company from 1670 to 1857, Dutch, Danish, Persian records etc.,
Stack - 8 : Old Settlement Register (OSR), Inam Fair Register (IFR), Board Proceedings, etc.,
Stack - 9 : Field Measurement Books of Initial Survey, Re Survey, UDR etc.,
R1 : Electoral Rolls, Government Orders, etc.,
Microfilm Repository : Records of various departments are preserved in the form of Microfilm Rolls.

Content last updated on 05-04-2024 at 12:36:16
Annals of Tamil Nadu Archives
1983 : Pudukkottai District Gazetteer published
Important Leaves
In G.O.No.521, Public (Spl.) Department,dated 06.02.1950,Proclamation announcing the inauguration of the Constitution of India on 26th January, 1950 was recorded.
திருக்குறள் பகுதி
குறள் எண் : 60 அறத்துப்பால் வாழ்க்கைத் துணைநலம் அதிகாரம்

மங்கலம் என்ப மனைமாட்சி மற்று அதன்
நன்கலம் நன்மக்கட் பேறு.

விளக்கம் : மனைவியின் நற்பண்பே இல்வாழ்க்கைக்கு மங்கலம் என்று கூறுவர்: நல்ல மக்களைப் பெறுதலே அதற்கு நல்லணிகலம் என்று கூறுவர்.