044-28190355 | 28190855

cmr.tnahr@tn.gov.in | tnarchives_rh@nic.in

Access to Research Hall and Records at Tamil Nadu Archives

In 1930, the Government took a policy decision to permit research scholars to have access to archival records. Accordingly the first research scholar was permitted to consult the archival records of the then Madras Record Office in 1930. Consequently a well designed research hall was opened facilitating the scholars to pursue their research. Bonafide scholars hailing from all the Universities/Colleges of India and Foreign Countries are permitted to have access to archival records observing rules and regulations as in force.
Now the facilities in the research hall have been further improved with air- conditioning, well equipped furniture, illumination etc. It remains open on all days except on Sundays and on 15 public holidays which are notified in advance. On all working days it is open from 8 A.M to 8 P.M. and on holidays from 10 A.M. to 5 P.M.
A bonafide candidate who applies for enrolment as research scholar has to pay Rs.200/- (Indian Rupees) as an enrolment fee besides depositing Rs. 500/- with the State Bank of India, Egmore Branch as security deposit, refundable on submission of a copy of the thesis for which he/she has worked in the archives. The scholars thus enrolled can on requisition and consult library books and the records which are more than 30 years old required for the subject of his/her research as per rules and regulations in force. The scholars can avail the reprographic assistance such as photocopying, microfilming etc.,

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Annals of Tamil Nadu Archives
1952 : Centralisation of Electoral Rolls in Archives. Books registered by the Registrar of Books transferred to Archives from the office of Senior Translator to Government.
Important Leaves
In G.O.No.543,Revenue Department, dated 10.06.1905,the decision of Government of India to adopt a standard time which in India will be exactly 5.30 hours in advance of Greenwich time was communicated.
திருக்குறள் பகுதி
குறள் எண் : 154 அறத்துப்பால் பொறையுடைமை அதிகாரம்

நிறையுடைமை நீங்காமை வேண்டின் பொற்யுடைமை
போற்றி யொழுகப் படும்.

விளக்கம் : நிறை உடையவனாக இருக்கும் தன்மை தன்னை விட்டு நீங்காமல் இருக்க வேண்டினால், பொறுமையைப் போற்றி ஒழுக வேண்டும்.